creative process

Old Collages

Lots of old library books. An early, futile stab at developing a “style”. Most of these designs will no doubt pop up in new work.

Art Lab 8

These remixes are less involved than most of the previous exercises. I took one of my Flat Black Circles pieces and bombarded it with Canva, GIMP, and Snapseed filters.

I’m surprised by how much I like these designs. I’ll be giving other drawings the same treatment; maybe even print a few.

Art Lab 7

From Wikipedia: “Cubomania is a Surrealist technique of making collages by cutting an image into squares and reassembling without regard for the original image at random to create something new.”

Let’s go…

Old collage of mine…


…torn into 16 pieces and randomly arranged.

Canva filter.

Canva filter.

Canva filter and…

…Canva filter-colors picked at random.

Snapseed filter.

Snapseed filter.

Snap. Seed Filter.

I could do this all day.

Art Lab 5

Two remix type experiments this week-working with a drawing from my Libations series.

Remix 1:

Original painting…

…remove the foreground.

Reference photo…

…remove background…

…apply filter/effects…

…paste onto background.

Remix 2:

Original painting…

…remove background/adjust color…

…reference photo…

…add filter/effects…

…remove foreground, resize, and crop…

…paste drawing on to background.

Art Lab 1

My current style of working is straightforward, but, I do like to experiment. Here are some digital collages that I was never very happy with, reproduced as blind contour drawings. I don’t like the drawings any more than I do the collages, but the exercise is fun.

Same Sun

New art collection of digitally colored blind curve drawings. You won’t have to look very closely to see that it’s the same sun in each piece.

all contents © 2023 Marc Bryant